Control systems (DC & DCC) - Welcome to our Shop. 01237 238872
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Products we have available In This Category:
- Bachmann 36-2021 Bachmann Europe Model Railway Combined Volume 2021
- £6.25
- Bachmann 36-2022 Bachmann Europe Model Railway Combined Volume 2022
- £7.25
- Bachmann 36-2023 Bachmann Europe Model Railway Combined Volume 2023
- £7.75
- Bachmann 36-501 E-Z Command control system
- £115.00
- Bachmann 36-502 E-Z Command® Plus Digital Command Control System
- £150.00
- Bachmann 36-504RC Dynamis Ultima DCC wireless control system
- £265.00
- Bachmann 36-556RA 90°6 Pin DCC Decoder (DC Compatible)
- £16.65
- Bachmann 36-557A 10 function decoder (21 pin)
- £35.95
- Bachmann 36-559 21 pin adapter
- £5.90
- Bachmann 36-565 Train controller and transformer (analogue)
- £49.45
- Bachmann 36-566A 4 function decoder
- £29.95
- Bachmann 36-569A Class 90 DCC Loco-Decoder with Servo Motor Operation & Brake function (21 pin)
- £39.55
- Bachmann 36-570B Plux22 DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function)
- £42.00
- Bachmann 36-571 6 Pin Micro DCC Loco-Decoder (with Brake Button function)
- £47.00
- Bachmann 36-602 Power clip 'OO'
- £2.55
- Eckon ES1 2 aspect Platform Starter signal kit round head 'OO'
- £9.90
- Eckon ES17 4-2 Aspect Junction Signal Kit Round Head 'OO'
- £17.55
- Eckon ES18 3-3 Aspect Home Junction Signal Kit Round Head 'OO'
- £17.55
- Eckon ES2D 2 Aspect Distant Signal Kit Round Head 'OO'
- £8.35
- Eckon ES2H 2 Aspect Home Signal Kit Round Head 'OO'
- £9.90
- Eckon ES3 3 aspect home signal kit round head 'OO'
- £10.35
- Eckon ES3D 3 aspect distant signal kit round head 'OO'
- £10.35
- Eckon ES5 2-2 aspect home junction kit round head 'OO'
- £13.95
- Eckon ES50 2 aspect Platform Starter signal kit square head 'OO'
- £8.35
- Eckon ES51 2 aspect home standard signal kit square head 'OO'
- £13.50
- Eckon ES52 2 aspect Distant standard signal kit square head 'OO'
- £9.90
- Eckon ES5D 2-2 aspect distant junction kit round head 'OO'
- £13.95
- Eckon ES60 3 aspect home standard signal kit square head 'OO'
- £10.35
- Eckon ES74 3 aspect home platform signal kit square head 'OO'
- £9.90
- Eckon ES7L 2 Aspect Home Kit With LH Route Indicator Round Head 'OO'
- £16.25
- Eckon ES7R 2 Aspect Home Kit With RH Route Indicator Round Head 'OO'
- £23.40
- Graham Farish 379-480 N Scale Wired Power Clip
- £4.25
- Hornby P9200 Plug-in transformer
- £15.45
- Hornby R8245 Saphire decoder 21/8 pin
- £33.45
- Hornby R8247 Points/accessory decoder
- £42.50